i don’t love depending on G·N·U Make but there simply isn’t another option for what i’m trying to do
i have multiple times done something like $(and $(VAR), -e $(VAR)) when actually what you need is $(and $(VAR),$(space)-e $(VAR))
@jamey or
("date +%s" | getline); print ($0 - mean) / 86400
worked for me if you want to keep it in awk 😂
(macOS uses a fork of "The One True AWK”, not GNU awk, by default so the question isn’t purely hypothetical)
@jamey `systime()` isn’t POSIX but i imagine that’s doable to replace? awk probably is the easiest solution here huh
@akjcv (sorry, Greek and Latin are entirely distinct typographical traditions and the assumption that all scripts will eventually go the way of the Latin alphabet (instead of becoming some third thing) is itself Roman supremacy at work)
(which is especially egregious of course because the Romans are the REASON that the runic script died out)
@akjcv « they would probably be about as different from Latin letters as Greek and Cyrillic scripts -- that is, no inherent stylistic differences » *typographer’s cringe*
« When the morning sun hit an icicle, it wished not to melt, and thus Vanillite was born. At night, it buries itself in snow to sleep. »
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