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i mean not the part where they travel to the heavens and leave behind a triforce but the other part

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i project my worldbuilding onto Zelda more than i let Zelda influence my worldbuilding, but it was pleasant that yesterday i solved a major cosmological quandry (what the fuck are Venus and Mercury?) in a way which happens to exactly map onto the legend of the Golden Goddesses

lots about this isn’t settled but i’m pretty happy with this so far

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@coriander i mean sometimes it feels like a ghibli movie but those aren’t the same vibes

@coriander it rains here in the summer but it just doesn’t hit right on the east coast

@clayote the little hook at the end is the “rhotic hook”; it’s the “er” sound

i never learned how to say /ɚ/ properly this is part of the challenge

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(/vwɔv seɚʔɫ̩/ if you were wondering the pronunciation of that)

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these are all sounds we have in english!! why is this ordering so hard!!

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saying words like “vwȣv seꝛɂƛ… is this anything…”

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being reminded that my conlang can actually be super fucking difficult to pronounce

is there anything i care about in this? probably not, they wouldn’t tell me if there was, and nobody is going to actually implement it anyway

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@Satsuma yes but it does defeat the purpose of the question

which is the girl and which is the boy

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.