when i was a kid they used to say “the press is the fourth branch of government” but i didn’t understand at the time what they meant
@akjcv egg discourse is just another manifestation of trans girls complaining when other people don’t use the same terms they do with the same meanings
@coriander he/him lesbian
i, too, would shout to a crowd of reporters “That’s completely out of touch, and an insult to the intelligence of the American people”
« As the suspect was led into the courthouse for his hearing, he shouted to reporters crowded outside, saying, “That’s completely out of touch, and an insult to the intelligence of the American people.” It wasn’t clear in the moment what he was referring to, as deputies struggled to push him inside. » oh, to be a journalist
@packetcat i'm not sure it entirely works; i think kendrick maybe went a little too experimental with DAMN and it doesn't entirely line up, but the opening track definitely hits different when you hear it as the closer
@packetcat if you haven't yet listened to the collector's edition (which is exactly the same but with the reverse ordering) you should
@packetcat some hints:
• the album can be played forwards or backwards (in terms of track order) to visit two different directions that kendrick’s life could have gone
• the tracks alternate, with odd tracks (standard ordering) representing vices and even tracks representing virtues. this is a continuation of the themes of battling temptation (Luci) found in TPAB; kendrick is grappling with both sides of his nature as he attempts to chart a course for his life
• after TPAB, which was about looking outward, metamorphosizing, and returning home, DAMN. is looking inward, questioning how much control he really had over that process, and wondering how much change really occurred
@aescling @coriander and i think it’s easy to argue that paralinguistic cues are signalled along a different axis than syntactic structures so it is multidimensional in that sense too
@aescling @coriander “linear” in the sense of having a one-dimensional serialization but not in the sense of that one dimension being perceived linearly with time; reading often involves a lot of jumping and backfilling
Administrator / Public Relations for GlitchCat. Not actually glitchy, nor a cat. I wrote the rules for this instance.
“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.