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so now i’m leaning towards Oak limiting the pokédex to 150 for the sake of keeping it a round number, and the actual regional dex for Kanto and Johto looking more like the one in HeartGold and SoulSilver, with the possible addition of newer evolutions like Sylveon and Dudunsparce

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i would believe that the Indigo League kept the number of usable pokémon small for Reasons, except that the same league is in charge of Johto (and was fine with a list exceeding 250 there) and they clearly had no problems including, you know, Zapdos

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either Oak left out some Kanto pokémon to keep the Kanto dex to a round 150, or there are some Kanto pokémon which aren’t considered legitimate for training and battling, or several pokémon were introduced to Kanto over the course of like three years??

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i would lean “no”, evidenced by the fact that nobody in Kanto seems to use them (battles against champions notwithstanding), except that there are some “Johto” pokémon, like Slugma, which are native to Kanto but not in Oak’s original pokédex

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can you battle using Johto pokémon in the Kanto gym challenge

anybody gonna explain to me why alola was experiencing an economic boom in the 00’s?

@FirstProgenitor @coriander “It’s hard to tell which assumption is more insultingly wrong: that the People (always considered, of course, as a monolithic unit) have no need and no faculty for engaging with work that is untransparent; or that the work most genuinely expressive of the People would be so univocal and so limpidly vacant as quite to obviate the labors and pleasures of interpretation.” (Sedgwick: Queer and Now <>)

time for kimty to be exceedingly normal about a video game

@coriander anyway, people can and did spend pages and even entire chapters doing exposition and had it be good writing; there are in fact entire genres of writing whose entire purpose is exposition and there is no rule against using those in a fictional work, and people have, if you read anything written before the advent of cinema

mary shelley did not give a fuck about “show, don’t tell”

you won’t create POPULAR writing that way, because many contemporary readers likewise are not looking for excellent writing so much as escapism into a film playing in their brains, but you can create GOOD writing

@coriander there are reasonable arguments that movies are entirely to blame for third person limited as a narrative viewpoint

@coriander see the thing is that “show, don’t tell” is actually a piece of cinema advice but most authors wish they were making movies

to be clear this isn’t the same message repeatedly

it’s new, unique messages every 100 steps because the story checkpoints are spaced that tightly together

every route, every building, every conversation with a story character

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i swear like every 100 steps in pokémon sun you get a new handholdy message about where to go next

“What Does The Pokémon Say?”, a compendium of every line of pokémon dialogue from every main series game

@Forestofglory 😫 poll only allowed four options

maybe i should have been a troll and left off the correct one…

what shape is Meltan? [image in following post]

greatest video game of all time is probably super hexagon, but that’s okay. i still liked some of the others

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