@akjcv if you don't mind the zero job security i understand that grant-based employment models can be nice; you don't need 8 hours of work a day for them and the rest can be given back to the community or spent on professional development
@akjcv which is harder, having consistent grant work or convincing fediverse tranot and tranim to make decisions motivated by profit
hey you know that part of the specification which is frankly underspecified and generally requires reading between the lines and carrying forward expectations made in different documents in order to even understand what the appropriate behaviour is? well i depend on that
@gaditb i have come across it, altho i haven’t actually used it yet
some OWL processors attach significance to the namespaces which are declared on the root rdf:RDF element so it is important to ensure that all of the namespaces which appear in the ontology are actually declared there
but XSLT 1.0 has very very limited namespace node support, afaict limited only to copying (and even that is a grey area), so you have to do something like this in an earlier stage to create the namespace nodes so that they are there to copy
<template match="Ontology" priority="2">
<text disable-output-escaping="yes"><owl:Ontology</text>
<for-each select="declare">
<text> xmlns</text>
<if test="normalize-space(prefix)!=''">
<value-of select="normalize-space(prefix)"/>
<value-of select="normalize-space(namespace)"/>
<text disable-output-escaping="yes">></text>
<text disable-output-escaping="yes"></owl:Ontology></text>
this is fine
<https://www.w3.org/TR/shacl/> interesting
@thephd in my experience the simplest solution on macos is just to use rbenv always
but yes, macos installs a number of programming languages that they really shouldn't for legacy reasons to keep people's old workflows from unexpectedly breaking on a new OS upgrade
used to also ship with python 2.7, but they finally managed to drop that one after many years of deprecation notices
for you japanese scholars out there, know the old english scholars are just as salty about unicode unification practices
i don’t want the unicode consortium to know about this because they will Not like it but also, hey medievalists, it works
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