one of my more contentious takes is that if you make a video game with hidden content and you do not provide easy mechanisms for people to access that hidden content then you are anti‐critic


*stares pointedly at all visual novels and games with branching paths or secret endings*

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my second, possibly even more contentious take is that being anti‐critic is bad

people should not have to spend 100 hours on your game to be able to have an informed conversation about it

@Lady yeah we saw chris franklin complaining about this on twitter sometime in the past couple years and that made us rethink some things

@Lady i dont think branching paths are necessarily bad, but i should get an artistically ‘complete’ experience from a single playthru

@Satsuma i mean i just think there should be either user interface mechanisms or otherwise various techniques for identifying branching paths and allowing people to view them in context

it’s not like adding a rewind or fast‐forward button makes it any less clear what the intent of the game is

i’m even fine locking those techniques until after one has completed their first playthrough but having to restart from the beginning every time or create a save at every single major decision is too much

@Satsuma @Lady branching paths are very good sometimes but it’s anti-critic to make different branches require an entire damn new playthrough to see at all

@aescling @Satsuma like just build a save file editor into the game honestly

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