@wallhackio @aescling this is why we made her buy her own pots and pans
@Lady @wallhackio i did burn j’s pot once
@wallhackio @aescling it occurs to me your smoke alarm should have gone off WELL before the smell woke you up bc thats the whole point of smoke alarms does your apartment just not have one????
@wallhackio @Satsuma burning food makes smoke but i guess the vent cleared it up enough fur you not to have noticed
@wallhackio @aescling yes that was smoke which smelled like shit
@wallhackio actually i burned the oil, herbs & spices
@aescling @wallhackio why were you cooking chickpeas at five am
@coriander @wallhackio goblin you are in no place to talk shit about fucked up sleep schedules
@aescling @wallhackio No but I try my best not to cook things like that when the daywalkers are sleeping
@coriander @wallhackio that is a good point, i was being rather thoughtless
@coriander @aescling this is what i've been saying
@aescling why 5am.