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Okay belated introductions post as promised:

I'm satsuma aka satsu aka 🍊 yr resident chronically ill punk, generally operating out of Philly (so EST, timezonewise)

I mostly post about whatever's caught my interest at the moment, which typically includes: cdramas & other fandom stuff (I believe I am the fedi-originator of ), food (i have a lot of niche food hobbies), cats, the local flora, asexuality & queer theory, and my questionable attempts at learning spanish

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Mech names are good, but what is everyone's magical girl transformation name

while i’m having questionable takes, we should teach the college basketball refs how to actually properly count to ten in sign language

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if your goal is solely making NFC east make sense virginia does not have a team but unfortunately I already have beef with the virginia cowboys and they don’t even exist yet

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-makes NFC east make some vague geographical sense
-the texans came first which & have a real awkward name if they’re gonna let texas have other teams
- gives new england someone to root for besides the patriots which is great because fuck the patriots

- cowboys fans might somehow become even worse??? hard to imagine tbh

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i’ll let toronto decide whether or not they want to change the name bc it’d be equally funny either way

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petition to force the cowboys to move to toronto

hm maybe i will just rec rss feeds for the rest of the month. dreamwidth tells me i have a lot of them 🤔

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also if you want somewhere to start off your RSS feeds, acoup writes a very accessible and enjoyable history blog which mixes posts about points of interest in European history (mostly rome, which is his specialty but venturing into the middle ages at times) with breakdowns of pop culture topics eg. would any of that sci-fi hardshell body armor actually work?

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Have not been up on this year (I keep meaning to, & even thinking of things to rec and then forgetting 😅) but I do want to take a moment to rec subscribing to things via RSS! I just use’s built in reader which is Extremely Minimalist but there are many nice fuller featured rss readers out there (eg. )

(also, tell your city council person you’re in favor of guaranteed income programs like this and that they should support the continuation of the program)

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people! The city is trialing a program to give pregnant residents a no strings $1000/mo guaranteed income for 18 months and they still haven’t filled all the slots so if you know anyone who’s expecting and lives in Nicetown-Tioga, Strawberry Mansion, or Cobbs Creek who makes less than 100k please encourage them to apply:

tumblr aggressively login walling people has gotten even worse over the last year so i figured it was maybe time for a reminder

there’s a slightly longer version of this PSA with a few more details on my dreamwidth ( ) which you’re also welcome to either copy or link directly on tumblr as well

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a dramatic improvement over the last time i tested fedi’s ability to display formatting!

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also just for my own curiosity, could you see the blockquote formatting in the above post?

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An event likely of interest to many of you here on fedi:

"Small Web September (is it too early for an abbreviation? Feel free to use SWS for short xD) is a chill, friendly and open event for anyone who'd like to make progress on their small web project(s) to join and share ideas, trade tips, and post progress. A small web project can be anything from a personal site/indie archive or shrine to a webring or directory, a list of resources you wanted to create, a coding how-to, maybe a set of icons or badges - the sky's the limit! As long as it's small web-related (by the definition helpfully offered in our comm intro post), it's suitable and we'd love you to join and work on it during SWS."

More info at:

Signups for Guardian Wishlist 2024 close next week on the 27th! Guardian Wishlist is a mulimedia gifting fest featuring the chinese drama/novel Guardian & related fandoms

More info and signups at:

huh big day in the bnha fandom congrats y’all

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.