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i just saw a 4chan screenshot on twitter that might be the most cursed thing i could post here

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would i get cancelled if i posted a very good image i found from the evil musk site

Lindsey Ellis and Folding Ideas are, for me, the queen and king of the video essay, although I think FD Signifier has become just as good as them

@Lady if I were to make a "BingusDingus' Battlefield 1 Wonkery Thread" in the forum where would be the appropriate place for it

very minor sonic 3 spoilers 

"I designed these suits to create a field of laser-bending thermal distortion."

Bro. You created a mirror suit. Just say that.

(there are concerning elements in the early seasons so this isn't an entirely fair take but the first three seasons are much more ideologically unproblematic than the final)

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It is so cool that Attack on Titan was only three seasons long so that it is a brilliant show about the endless cycle of war, and doesn't muddy its message in a final season :)

I drank a devil's tea a few hours ago because I've had a migraine all day and I wanted the caffeine + aspirin wombo combo

it is a breakfast for dinner kind of day methinks

I knew the Chiefs and Eagles would both win over the weekend but somehow I'm still mad about it.

all caps 


left is winning. will this stay true after 24 hours?

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catwin boosted


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catwin boosted

while the left has the blank, slightly astonished stare one has when someone you have known for 29 years reveals they don't know what the ICE is

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the sheer intensity of right's annoyance is hilarious to me.

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.