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when the hoodie you bought online arrives early, fits nicely, and is very comfy

@Lady I forgot to mention that Shit Present was pretty good, thanks.

all caps 


I have gotten @nora and @coriander follows, my collection is now complete

If I had a nickel for every time a transformative work of black media has a followup about grief/trauma that resonates with me more deeply than the more revered initial work, I would have two nickels. Which isn't that many but it's weird that it happened twice

My major criticism of Frostpunk is that whenever I play it I sit down and accidentally end up beating an entire scenario in one sitting and it wastes a lot of my time

best playboi carti bar:

The Lions may have lost a game today, but we can feel better by holding onto the fact that clodsire is a whale.


i have a perfect caffeine buzz right now

actual opinion 

small changes is lovely

needless antagonism 

i'm relistening to small changes and it's pretty good but it doesn't hold a candle artistically to playboi carti

Angela Collier is starting to become one of the New Great Video Essayists

why does it feel right-wing to still be mad about the star wars prequels

catwin boosted

when you have multiple glitchcat tabs open, notifications sfx are played for each tab open.

Every boost, like, and comment on this so I can hear a glorious cacophony of notification sfx

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.