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what actually is the preferable alternative to c++, if that is even a good question to ask

baldur's gate 3, major spoilers do not read aescling 

kinda funny that raphael got a better boss fight that the true big bad of the game

@Lady younger brother does, in fact, know what a graph is

major baldur's gate 3 spoilers, do not read aescling 

shadowheart still loves me even though i turned into a worm

MASSIVE baldur's gate 3 spoilers, do not read aescling 

what choice did ya'll make after freeing orpheus?

baldur's gate 3, minor spoilers 

level 12 laezel with haste and cloud strength is so fucking broken lmaooooo


A function call is an lvalue if it returns an lvalue reference meaning the following fucked up and evil code compiles:

int& get_seven() {
int seven = 7;
return seven;

int main() {
get_seven() = 8;


It's annoying how arbitrary the rules for value categories are.

  • casting a value as an rvalue reference is an xvalue since it is an addressable result available to the programmer but the result is also temporary. Ok.
  • then casting something as an lvalue reference should be the same, right? Wrong. It is an lvalue because the standard says it is. Ok.

  • temporary values, even if they have an address, are still rvalues even if the address is not made available to the programmer (this most often occurs when you return an object from a function call). okay, fine.

  • but string literals are lvalues??? & is defined on a string literal? why? why only for string literals and not all objects??????

  • accessing an element of an array from an expression for an array that is, itself an rvalue (ie, get_array()[0]) is an xvalue, not a prvalue. I guess, by definition, arrays elements are inherently addressable data available to me so sure, why not.

  • but get_object().property is also an xvalue. why. why is it an xvalue. even though objects have addresses they are not exposed to the user if they are temporary so why is the property access now considered addressable??????

I truly don't think it's possible to derive in the general case whether something is a prvalue, xvalue, or lvalue from first principles. For a lot of cases you just have to see what the standard says they are and try to make sense of it.

Maybe if I understood more about compilers there could be good reasons for these value categories but then again, if the language can only be properly understood by understanding implementation details of its compiler then it is not an effective programming language imo.

in a cruel twist of fate, the day after posting about the indomitable work lip gloss, i come in this morning and it has been removed.

this is the first time I have ever mentioned it to anyone. it was a Game, and i lost.

catwin boosted

it irritates me to no end that async await was added to javascript so quickly after generators made people realize how useful the pattern could be but tail call optimization, despite being in the ECMAScript specification since 2015, is STILL NOT IMPLEMENTED IN ANY MAJOR RUNTIME what the fuckkkkkkk

re: baldur's gate 3 

also the dribbles the clown quest was outrageous

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baldur's gate 3 

act III has been way too fuckin long

i still love the game but after the fourth party member side quest i was starting to feel the burnout

apparently some colleges use go as the language for the introductory classes

baldur's gate 3 

somehow i have hit 200 hours on my initial playthrough ok

baldur's gate 3, MASSIVE SPOILER do not open aescling 

shadowheart would you still love me if i turned into a worm

at my work near the entrance i always use there is a poster frame that includes a cubby for pamphlets. However, there are no pamphlets, and someone stuck a little container of lip gloss in there.

it has been there for months. no one removes the lip gloss. it remains resolute, indomitable. it is the Rock of my work building.

I always know that, no matter how chaotic life gets, I can always count on lip gloss to still be in its little pamphlet cubby.

catwin boosted

@wallhackio all data is json there is only one type and it’s object

What are they teaching data scientists why does my little brother not know what type systems are

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.