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i deeply regret to inform that i have started to enjoy the language now that i've learned some things about it.

only a little bit though.

catwin boosted


re: baldur's gate 3, spoilers 

on that note, it is a shame that the dark justiciar armor is so badass given that narratively it feels wrong to wear anymore

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baldur's gate 3 

when the armor is amazing but also is really fucking ugly

baldur's gate 3 

the secret to getting jaheira's approval is to call her old apparently

@coriander you should listen to pop out and opi babi from the new carti album, your reaction would be funny

baldur's gate 3, all caps 


baldur's gate 3, minor spoilers 

wait you get a permanent status buff for getting a stone statue of yourself in camp lmaooooooo

baldur's gate 3, minor spoilers 

apparently a lot of people don't like Halsin?

catwin boosted

Baldur's Gate 3 

I thought it was quaint when gamers would geek out when experiencing Half-Life 2's physics puzzles for the first time.

And then I stacked three boxes in top of each other in BG3 to reach somewhere I couldn't jump to normally and suddenly I understood

re: Baldur's Gate 3, major spoilers aescling do not read 

The only Major Criticisms I have so far are

  • Shadowheart's arc in Act II, which doesn't feel completely earned. It's a particularly unfortunate thing because her story in the broad strokes should work, but in execution her choices feel flip-floppy instead of conflicted
  • The combat, which can be very tedious for too many reasons to contain in a simple bullet point.
  • Wyll, for being boring (but he shouldn't! his story has a lot of interesting potential! how is he boring!!! kind of reminds me of Asami from legend of korra, in that the things that happen to him are more interesting than the character itself)

The combat has a lot of great things about it so it's not all bad. But it's the combat which has drained me the most in my playthrough (I probably should not have played on tactician tbh)

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Baldur's Gate 3 

I'm deep enough into the game where I feel comfortable saying that the game is excellent (the only way I could dislike it at this point is if we get a Game of Thrones-esque implosion as a conclusion). That being said I do have a lot to critique, although it also doesn't feel fair to do so, given that the game is so massive and mechanically complex that it was destined to have many flaws

baldur's gate 3, not spoilers 

struggling to find male clothes that aren't boring

baldur's gate 3, major spoilers 

it's insane that you can fuck a mind flayer but you can't romance jaheira


i'll admit it. i lowered the difficulty during the raphael fight. and explosive barrel cheesed him.

re: baldur's gate 3, major spoilers 

bro really gets a top-tier disney villain song in his boss fight what a legend

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baldur's gate 3, major spoilers 

the song during the raphael fight FUCKS

baldur's gate 3 

your reward for reaching act III is that they saved all of the game's freakiest content for it

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.