@coriander @aescling fuck im deleting my account
@coriander @aescling i took an absol-ute risk
@aescling @coriander i can take it
@coriander i own that game
@aescling @coriander whatever the opposite of a butter face is, this pokemon is
@aescling @coriander thank you, weird ugly pokemon creature
@coriander this is now the worst day of my life
@coriander as a Rain World enjoyer I have a feeling that the atmosphere and lethargic pace of demon's souls will speak to me more than Dark Souls 1 did
therapist: anime girl versions of sonic riders characters aren't real, they can't hurt you
anime girl versions of sonic riders characters:
@coriander the secret life of walter mitty was a decent movie (although it explores the ennui of adulthood from from an extremely privileged lens)
@aescling no i did better than you in bongo all bets are off
@aescling what the fuck
@hexx hell yeah
@aescling i think i'm gonna report you for this.
@monorail you're cool af
@monorail can i see your bongo
@aescling everybody knows this
Movie/animation/anime fan. Videogame enjoyer. Food liker. Physics and mathematics hobbyist. Software Engineer. Professional wonk. I would not be surprised if I had autism + adhd. I like animals that wear cowboy hats.
"i regret ever allowing him here" ~aescling