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@coriander google translate claims that it means "Maid Skater"

@Lady if I were to make a "BingusDingus' Battlefield 1 Wonkery Thread" in the forum where would be the appropriate place for it

very minor sonic 3 spoilers 

"I designed these suits to create a field of laser-bending thermal distortion."

Bro. You created a mirror suit. Just say that.

(there are concerning elements in the early seasons so this isn't an entirely fair take but the first three seasons are much more ideologically unproblematic than the final)

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It is so cool that Attack on Titan was only three seasons long so that it is a brilliant show about the endless cycle of war, and doesn't muddy its message in a final season :)

@coriander oh someone he interviewed made that statement in his most recent video

I drank a devil's tea a few hours ago because I've had a migraine all day and I wanted the caffeine + aspirin wombo combo

it is a breakfast for dinner kind of day methinks

I knew the Chiefs and Eagles would both win over the weekend but somehow I'm still mad about it.

@coriander It's a good addition to Batman canon if you like Batman. Not really essential watching to everyone else, but it's not a bad show at all.

@coriander Batman Beyond was my favorite of the DC animated show when I was a kid. I rewatched a couple early episodes a few years ago and it was aight.

The dynamic between new Batman and old Batman is the best part of the show

all caps 


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