@coriander fuck missing the homies, all my homies hate missing the homies
@monorail this made me recoil physically
@monorail i've never gotten the burglar + mystic summit wombo combo yet, very jealous.
do your due diligence and vote, my fellow glitchers
@monorail you should start numbering these so we can see how many times you've done this bit
@coriander i would continue with more lyrics but then i would have to censor n-words so i will not
@Lady I forgot to mention that Shit Present was pretty good, thanks.
@coriander 2018 was the last year i still listened to radio and humble was a massive highlight
@coriander humble is still a bop tho.
@coriander I listened to Kendrick's discography for the first time this year and I was very disappointed by DAMN.
@coriander I want to play DMC 5 really badly
@coriander being awake at midnight the friday that meet the grahams dropped was my woodstock
@coriander books sometimes smell really nice so i bet they taste good too
@shanecelis this is an excellent cat who i now love.
I have gotten @nora and @coriander follows, my collection is now complete
Movie/animation/anime fan. Videogame enjoyer. Food liker. zss sux propagandist. Physics and mathematics hobbyist. Software Engineer. Professional post malone hater. I would not be surprised if I had autism + adhd. I like animals that wear cowboy hats.