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@coriander @Lady the local home depot has some christmas lights that are honolulu-blueish for $10 so we'll try that

@Lady if it will help the lions win then i will do it

@coriander it was nice having you as a follower for a couple hours 🫡

The Lions may have lost a game today, but we can feel better by holding onto the fact that clodsire is a whale.

@coriander i want to feed him food from a tube and make him happy


@monorail my white whale is combining the egg with the joker that gets mult for sell value of other jokers, and with the joker that increases sell value each round

@monorail i sold an eggb for 33 dollars last night and it hit like crack

@Lady this reminds me when i was looking through the comments for an ost from banjo-kazooie and a lot of people said they would put a particular song from that game in their christmas playlist

@Lady i love the celeste soundtrack but i have never thought of it as christmas music?

actual opinion 

small changes is lovely

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.