Pick one:
@coriander @wallhackio evil. not in the sexy way either
@aescling @wallhackio fake sweeteners don't give you cancer but they taste like it
@coriander @aescling @wallhackio i grew up on diet soda and was like “this is fine” and then went to college for four years and stopped drinking it and when i came back to my parents and tried their soda it was like “you people live like this??”
my beef is with Specifically Aspertame tho; there are fake sweeteners which are less offensive, they are just more expensive so nobody uses them
@Lady @aescling @wallhackio I've had stevia in some things and personally I find it just as bad but I'm willing to believe there are other ones out there that don't have The Aftertaste
@coriander @aescling @wallhackio i think splenda (sucralose) is ok?
@wallhackio this is not me censuring your post or anything but i’m gonna take this as an oppurrtunity to publicly post these two links, in case anyone somehow hasn’t heard about this shit yet
@wallhackio what the fuck is wrong with people
@wallhackio imagine getting owned by your own poll
@Lady @wallhackio i could never
@Lady I mean this with all due respect, but fuck you
@wallhackio @Lady “with all due respect, i don’t respect you at all”
@aescling @wallhackio @Lady "With all due respect" can mean "none"
@coriander @wallhackio @Lady i think this turn of phrase can be very funny when you use it to mean that
@aescling @wallhackio @Lady I agree
@wallhackio false dichotomy
whole pepsi