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the murderer in this columbo episode sounds like tom lehrer

state terrorism 

yeah okay who could have guessed than the movie from 1983 about a woman who comes to suspect that her adopted daughter was taken from a disappeared person during the last dictatorship would be not a fun time.

literally anyone. including me.



if only we had a very tall pot to make a whole package of curry in at once (i mean, we did do that, but we had to use two pots)

on the other hand, then we would have to store a very tall pot


they really like to make female ace trainers hot.

apparently spanish borrowed the word groggy (as grogui, of course). not super common but it gets used.

oh no hbo's streaming thingy preserves our audio language preferences across shows

this is a horrible burden for an anti-dubs household that is currently watching both true blood and el jardín de bronce


someday i will get used to most of the world not distinguishing cookies and crackers

i haven't yet tho.

what would you expect “exherit” as a verb to mean?

a lot of shops here close for vacation during january


strong temptation about changing what game i'm planning to run soon again

this is the problem with an extended delay between deciding to run something and actually starting play hehe

also me being a mercurial and capricious person but yk


for example that the encumbrance rules in most circumstances are "dwbi, just apply your armor penalties", or that 2-handed weapons get one and a half times your strength modifier as a bonus, or that when you do e.g. double damage, you roll the damage dice twice rather than just, rolling once and doubling the result.

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my wife's gonna gm a 1-on-1 campaign of pathfinder 1e for me for spanish practice/fun combo reasons and i am learning that there's a lot of very basic 3.5e d&d/1e pathfinder rules i was not aware of before now (admittedly, i never played either but)


champions gives powers such such bizarrely high range. generally ranged powers have about 10 meters of range per point in the power. an energy blast that hits as hard as like, an average person's punch costs 10 points and therefore has a range of 100 meters.

this is a superhero game. obvs depending on the particular table people will have different power levels, but a typical attack power might be somewhere in the 40 to 60 point range. so 400 to 600 meters of range.

(however due to distance modifiers to attacks you probably won't hit anything at that kind of range unless you really optimize for it)

con artist media 

hustle: "you can't cheat an honest man"
nueve reinas: let's go scam some the first lonely old aunt we can find out of some money pretending to be her favorite nephew

the great dictator (1940) 

good movie but yeah i can see why chaplin apparently said he wouldn’t have made it if he had fuller knowledge of what was going on at the time


five thick fat azurills in a row.


there is nothing more difficult to me in pokémon than understanding how pokémon-amie/refresh works

sex in film 

the threesome scene in challengers was overhyped

👀 the new class in Etrian Odyssey Nexus spawns illusions and heals allies on every attack
i am intrigued

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.