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put a larger microsd card in my 3ds. so now i can fit bravely default and other games on it at the same time.

joke re: It’s been fun, Dachsbun! 

@Lady i think i may have played more of Majora's Mask than Ocarina (both of them (almost?) exclusively at those consoles they had set up in the games aisle electronics sections at like wal-mart), but neither of them enough to judge more than entirely superficially

joke re: It’s been fun, Dachsbun! 

@Lady counterpoint: wind waker has really bright colours.

(i wanted to make some kind of point about alternately they may have not played many zelda games but i haven't played any zelda game enough to judge how it compares to Majora's Mask).

ttrpg posting 

pretty satisfyingly dramatic way to go if she does... but little awkward to have to come up with a new character already hehe

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ttrpg posting 

welllll my new character in the blue rose campaign might not survive thru a single adventure (the previous one didn't die, they just retired to a life of running municipal infrastructure and helping people, but this one might die)

extremely ghost town (pokémon fanfic) spoilers 

oh yeah, bulbapedia? shows what you know.

alyssa boosted

d&d alignments 

@Lady @gaditb i think D&D generally likes rich property owners.

d&d alignments 

@gaditb @Lady to some extent i think the D&D alignments as described in the text (at least in 2e) are all conflations of belief/value system/behavior that doesn't fit lots of very plausible and lots of less plausible characters well at all.

d&d alignments 

@Lady @gaditb well that certainly sounds by-the-book neutral evil :P

d&d alignments 

@Lady @gaditb ah, yeah, that is fair. yeah, a neutral-evil-by-D&D-standards person who concludes that doing morally good things is to their benefit is plausible (tho one who consistently does so would be pretty weird)


i like to think that Cowgirl Shelley is addressing me as "honey" because she is a lesbian who is hitting on me.

d&d alignments 

@Lady @gaditb hmm, then i would say that I do not understand how a person who cares only about their own benefit, caring nothing (positively or negatively) about other people or any other principle seems (this is how 2e describes neutral evil characters) could be morally good.

primarina cleavage 

@Lady primarina that has had top surgery

ghost town quote related to transness 

«She's nervous; Tacoma can feel it in whatever it is that passes for her bones. Because Ella might have overheard them? Or because she hasn't shaved yet? It's only been a few days, but Tacoma is beginning to get an idea of the lengths Jodi goes to to avoid people seeing her on anything but her own terms.» real

@Lady i really like some of these characters. perhaps even including as many as one str8 person (it seems technically possible as of chapter 6 that Tacoma is str8). i guess i like some of the peripheral str8s like Jodi's family alright. (i do also really like a lot of the pokémon who i assume are not queer but also obviously str8 pokémon aren't real)


i think i might wait on the post-game. and go finish up LeafGreen or move on to gen 4 next.

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I did it! I probably did not need to grind that long, but it went very smoothly having done so.

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