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a parenthetical from Sara Ahmed 

«a response to a history that is not over is necessarily inadequate because that history is not over»

unicode should have made ☐ an emoji instead of 🗳️


yeah okay, elite four team will be:

  1. Typhlosion
  2. Lapras
  3. Nidoqueen
  4. Heracross
  5. Dragonair/Dragonite
  6. Ho-Oh

which mons will be responsible for which elite four members/mons and whether i need to teach anybody any new moves to be determined at an earlier hour of a different day.

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plus side: i don’t have to wait until level 55 to have dratini learn water HMs.

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was going to have dragonite eventually be my flyer. but i think i’m maybe morally obligated to not leave ho-oh in the box after bringing them back. so maybe dratini can be my secondary water HMer instead of vaporeon? (lapras has surf but needs her other moveslots for other things)

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i am susceptible to dragon types.... gotta train myself a dratini even tho they take sooooo loooooonnnnggg to evolve


@gaditb also Surf kind of drags down the other Water-related HMs for me because (except for Waterfall for physical attackers after Gen 3) it's generally a better battle move than them, and having to fit one or two extra water HMs can make things a bit awkward and necessitate splitting the Water HMs across multiple mons.


@gaditb v reasonable. for me it’s just a confluence of: it’s nice to go new places, i’d still use it often even if it were only usable in battle, and i usually don’t have to contort my teams to fit it in. if they made the level ranges on wild pokémon a little tighter i’d have absolutely zero complaints about it

@gaditb well, strictly speaking, my preference is based on the combination of field effect, battle effect, and pokémon that learn it

@gaditb my choice is based on the combination and i'm not going to make two more polls :)

what's your favorite HM move in Pokémon?

i will never get over the jeffrey lewis album 12 crass songs


-sighs wistfully- nidoqueen


the problem i always have with eevee in non-recent generations is i'm always sad i can't have a sylveon just because they don't exist yet

apparently tumblr polls don't allow enough options

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which kind of animal are you?, cw: ableist term from celestial emporium of benevolent knowledge 

which kind of animal are you?

have people made the celestial emporium of benevolent knowledge a meme on tumblr with the introduction of polls yet

need to figure out where i put my cartridges tho... i have at least pokémon moon somewhere. maybe a fire emblem game? i don't recall (plus smash 4)

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.