on the Wikipedia page for the date palm and saw this incredible bit:
"One cultivar, the Judean date palm, is renowned for its long-lived orthodox seed, which successfully sprouted after accidental storage for 2,000 years.[26] In total seven seeds about 2000 years old have sprouted and turned into trees named Methuselah, Hannah, Adam, Judith, Boaz, Jonah and Uriel."
In the beginning the Cᴀᴛғʟᴀᴍᴇ created the biscuits and purrs. And its biscuits were without form, and it was a void, and darkness was upon the face of the kitty. And the Spirit of the Cᴀᴛғʟᴀᴍᴇ moved away upon facing the waters. And the Cᴀᴛғʟᴀᴍᴇ said, “let me be kitty”. And it was kitty. And the Cᴀᴛғʟᴀᴍᴇ saw that it was kitty, that it was a good kitty: and the Cᴀᴛғʟᴀᴍᴇ divided the light away from the darkness of its fur. And the Cᴀᴛғʟᴀᴍᴇ called the light Gay, and the darkness it called also Gay. And the evening and the murring were the first gay.
re: weed, sobriety, and disability
@aescling the real weed catte was blaze all along
An angel. 🌟 Photo by Jessie Tarbox Beals, early 20th century. https://www.flickr.com/photos/schlesinger_library/15173974487/
Via https://www.facebook.com/marvellousianto/photos/pb.100069783950336.-2207520000./204413011872833/?type=3 (Marvellous Menagerie)
#Fox #Bot
it’s pronounced “ashling”. grass cat pokémon but subject to daily TFs. Commewnist. she/it
i have gotten back into pokeymans recently and am embarassingly into it (ask me fur a pogo refurral code!). i also have opinions about the sonic furanchise
GlitchCat syscatmin and meowstodev; @ me about techincal problems with the instance, or fur feature requests. i got a job due to some extent to my work on this instance
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· “all this shit is still incomprehensible but im glad u accomplished something”
· “i genuinely believe you could write 10 hours of content on the echidna genocide”
· “you’re just a tontaro repost account now”
“i feel mildly relieved that the obscure and esoteric code that i use to build the site will always be definitely outclassed by the obscure and esoteric code that you use to serve it” ―@Lady