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the world needs more shiny espeon cosplaying as meowscarada

the world needs more shiny espeon cosplaying as meowscarada


this purrobably already exists elsewhere but have an an interactive redirection tool in case you need a generic tool to, fur example, bypass link previews fur Sensitive Material

@aescling I can imagine Bill Watterson making Calvin say something like this when Hobbes is looking out the window

Criticism should
not be given undue weight,
any more than praise


the ducks all gather at the man-made pond
so plac'd that residents should have a view---
and of those residents, the ones most fond
are prone to make a noise we call a “mew”.
they gather at the glass and stare beyond
while owners love their actions through and through.
the creatures cannot help but to despond
as owners all deny them their pursuit

as oh! their plots are devious and fowl!
the horrors that these ducks would surely face!
if focus'd not, the creatures all would scowl
at those intent to keep them in their place.
but somehow their relations don't befoul!
how blessed are we to have the creatures' grace.

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.