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the pansexual probably-genderfluid urge to be continuously confused over the difference between attraction and goals

it genuinely caught me off guard when i started seeing people using the word femboy in a non-pejorative way and i’m not exactly used to it

honestly it’s the most i’ve laughed at a movie in a good while

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wonder how much the difficulty is gonna be rebalanced in the pac-man world remake

please for the love of gods may the cheddar plushie reach its goal. my knife needs his friend

it is also unafraid to acknowledge when big names or events in labor history were attached to white racists

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book is very unafraid to acknowledge when people were anarchists, socialists, or Communists, or when the Communist Party was involved in something; there is an entire chapter on the IWW

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Fight Like Hell is subtitled “The Untold Story of American Labor” and yeah, i sure as hell have heard of so little of this

i don’t understand why people spread out their bodies Like That when sitting. like, i Have balls, but,

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.