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lol @ nintendo having only sonic 2 as their sonic game in their collection of genesis games

re: the current affairs board of directors has finally released an official statement 

in response to somebody asking “firing nathan was not a possibility?”:

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re: the current affairs board of directors has finally released an official statement 

he is still around. i will proceed to turn off autorenew on my subscription lol

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re: the current affairs board of directors has finally released an official statement 

apparently the now-resigned staff (with severance pay for what they’d have gotten through 2021, thank gods) are thinking about starting their own publication

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re: the current affairs board of directors has finally released an official statement 

per lyta gold, the magazine will continue to exist. no word on whether nathan still is editor in chief, so i assume he is still around

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my actual genuine thoughts on cryptocurrency are simultaneously that the tech behind it is actually cool af, and also, ban that shit

the new die roll mechanic in this season of survivor is a strange choice imo? like it’s so risky the only time it seems reasonable to play is when you really do have no play to make at all, and you didn’t get individual immunity, so if course you take 1 in 6 odds to guarantee you last another week

i feel like the only really interesting play is navigating the social game to prevent people you want to vote out from trying to use it in the first place?

The newer alternatives [to systemd], namely OpenRC, RunIt, S6, etc.

none of those is newer than systemd!!!!

the point since i wasn’t clear is that this show likes to carry itself as progressive but it’s only safely so and would rather render its actually problematic aspects completely invisible

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the first episode begins with a brief discussion on whether the host’s catchphrase “come on in, guys” is Problematic, because “guys”, and then follows that up by referring to tribe names by their very appropriative-feeling names in an exoticized foreign language

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like when you buy a stock off the market in the normal speculative way, that money doesn’t even, like, go to the business. it goes to whoever you bought the stock from

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amazes me that almost the entirety of the stock market isn’t even about investing in any business, but rather just trading ownership claims (including of dividends) with other people

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.