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people have already modded the original sonic 3&k soundtrack into sonic origins

this time i’m trying not using evil-mode, just to really try out using emacs as emacs

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funny that i’m calling it a “pivot to emacs” when i spent quite a good while using emacs and emacs only

re: alcohol 

the one i just got is basically a pretty nice spiked shitty lemonade

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ngl i feel like the silly bdubs moutain dew nonsense drink might be a good idea. it could taste good. maybe. lol

very annoying that a cat meme made me kind of like an imagine dragons song

is any of these things is unacceptable to you then you can get yeeted out of my federation pawlicy

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i’m a lesbian and i have a boyfriend and that is valid

i really wish anniversary mode in sonic origins would have been given new sprite animation and a full soundtrack recreation by tee lopes. that’d have been so sick


sure u.want to end capitalism but when are u going to end ohio

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.