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  • investigate creating a CI pipeline so we can test a development version of the thing first, like glitch-soc does lol
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(bullet point two doesn't affect function or anything, to be clear)

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GlitchCat todos:

  • investigate why composing posts is 500ing on editing a mention or a hashtag (why does it seem to involve elasticsearch?), then fix it
  • merge my pull request from a while ago to main lol
  • actually work on Lune lol
  • add :its_me: and maybe also :do_crimes: emojo

wonder if we’d think scrabble is fun if we tried it competitively

honestly my biggest motivation to keep playing is to see if my scores are because i’m actually pretty good at this already somehow or if i’ve been getting lucky several times in a row so far

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when you enter a word to gather information and happen to guess the right word

the fact that FairEmail already supports Material You(R)(TM) makes this cat very happy

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.