@wallhackio @coriander im this close to dumping absol porn in your mentions out of spite
@wallhackio @coriander how can one be so wrong and so thoroughly
@wallhackio @coriander ugly
@wallhackio @coriander your patience shall be rewarded
@monorail i think jortage uploads might be borked rn; i’m getting errors too
@coriander how i’m feeling: 😻
@wallhackio sorry i’m just trying to roast, did i go too far
@monorail @wallhackio this is why i tf into alolan ninetales sometimes
@wallhackio stop falling back on obscurity; it will never obscure your lack of talent
@wallhackio you’re just mad i have better wordplay
@wallhackio imagine playing well enough to almost certainly win the bongo and then submitting your score befur subscribing
@wallhackio the pun appurropurriation demon looks out upon golden fields of punnery, plucking irrespective of planter. you may decry her theivery, but Sheol [she’ll] never spare a soul. cry about it.
@wallhackio who the fuck makes a toast with weed
@wallhackio while i snack on this bon-bon, go weed out your pun garden. only quality wordplay deserves a place in my mentions
it’s pronounced “ashling”. canonically a black housecat or any of the grass cat pokémon, but currently experiencing daily TFs. Commewnist. she/it
GlitchCat syscatmin and meowstodev; @ me about techincal problems with the instance, or fur feature requests. i got a job due to some extent to my work on this instance
i have very strong opinions about the sonic furanchise. pokémon has me in a chokehold when it comes to merchandise
available via email and matrix with the same username and domain. DM/message/email for other protocols
“all this shit is still incomprehensible but im glad u accomplished something” ―@wallhackio
“i feel mildly relieved that the obscure and esoteric code that i use to build the site will always be definitely outclassed by the obscure and esoteric code that you use to serve it” ―@Lady