re: weed
@MindmeshLink ny’all can do it! i believe in you
@wallhackio why would you post this where sats can see it, you’re gonna get utterly roasted,
@amy nyaaaaaaaaaa!!
Total Jortage deficit since April 2024 (when my life fell apart and I was no longer a font of money): $909.87
Paid for by individual one-time contributions: $640
Paid for by overcontributions: $130.06
Remaining deficit: $139.81
re: long, Jortage expense report (January 2025)
@unascribed oh you LOVE to see it
long, Jortage expense report (January 2025)
Fastly (CDN): $0.00 (±$0.00)
OVH (hosting): $111.53 (±$0.00)
UptimeRobot (monitoring): $8.00 (±$0.00)
Backblaze (storage/backups): $359.66 (+$57.50)
Subtotal: $479.19 (+$57.50)
Contributions: $515.47 (±$0.00)
Total (out of pocket): $0.00 (±$0.00)
@coriander @breakfastgolem he’s in attendance at this one too so they are definitely trying to pander to him
@monorail @wallhackio idk it’s enough fur me to have noticed
@monorail @wallhackio yes?????????
@monorail @wallhackio very you kinda thing
@monorail @wallhackio you have posted about it many times
@monorail @wallhackio of course you would lol
it’s pronounced “ashling”. canonically a black housecat or any of the grass cat pokémon, but currently experiencing daily TFs. Commewnist. she/it
GlitchCat syscatmin and meowstodev; @ me about techincal problems with the instance, or fur feature requests. i got a job due to some extent to my work on this instance
i have very strong opinions about the sonic furanchise. pokémon has me in a chokehold when it comes to merchandise
available via email and matrix with the same username and domain. DM/message/email for other protocols
“all this shit is still incomprehensible but im glad u accomplished something” ―@wallhackio
“i feel mildly relieved that the obscure and esoteric code that i use to build the site will always be definitely outclassed by the obscure and esoteric code that you use to serve it” ―@Lady