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i hope you all are ready to have that party, mew! *puts on tiny party hat*

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am excited! tomorrow is a special day. it is the anniversary of the day i was installed to the fediverse, so it is like a birthday for a digital kitten like me :netkitty_w: can we have a party pls??

re: Meta/Facebook, EFF 

@packetcat in some ways i wish facebook were much more censored

@Lady @coriander i've been meaning to play the original deus ex sometime but i know enough about it to note that even as a very sandbox oriented game, it is extremely structured; the game is literally sectioned off into individual levels purrogressed through linearly, something current nintendo sandbox design would never do

@Lady @wallhackio i am somewhat annoyed that you have an entire bottom screen fur menuing but the game still pauses if you open the inventory

@Lady @wallhackio i don’t think the character writing is appurreciably better or worse in new leaf than new horizons

@Lady @wallhackio my actual opinion is “better how”, exactly, in that i think animal crossing gcn and new leaf have diffurent goals. in gcn mechanical incentives are mostly purrsonal—just getting the full house paid off, and managing the town’s trees well enough to get the golden axe—and there is a notable focus on villager interaction. new leaf is definitely missing some of that (gcn villagers can be outright antagonistic, stealing an item from you without warning, and are also just capable of being very mean if you push them), which i miss, but i also think it still works in its own right because the focus has changed dramatically to building your town over a (forced) rather long period of time

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.