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re: insufficient context 

@packbat i’ve had to tell myself that a lot lately

re: insufficient context 

@packbat i should make that mine fur the remainder of the year, as well as the next one

@compufox everyone i know who has ever used swift has said something like “great language but i wish it were better suppurrted on X”

@Lady “build more homes”, she says, when so many homes and apartments are not even being lived in

us smoothbrain stupid bitches will look on as you tear us down, again and again. thanks, a lot

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do you like it? the ease of it? how simple it is to lean into a socially accepted form of ableism as a great shortcut to not actually calling people evil, willfully ignorant, harmful pieces of shit?

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the brain must be bad, defective, wrong. yes yes. no other reason to not be a Good Person. they must be one of those brain-disableds. smooth brain. hit in the head, "dents in their brain". all the ways we can blame disability for malice are so wonderful, aren't they?

is it ok if i lie down on your fedi timeline for a little while

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.