@nev @lowficarrots i guess linux turned out to be a size queen
@lowficarrots what the fuck lmao
@lowficarrots is that not an exaggeration
@coriander @Lady that’s both of them, all day
@coriander @wallhackio @Lady i think this turn of phrase can be very funny when you use it to mean that
@wallhackio @Lady “with all due respect, i don’t respect you at all”
@carithlee what a BABY
@wallhackio this is not me censuring your post or anything but i’m gonna take this as an oppurrtunity to publicly post these two links, in case anyone somehow hasn’t heard about this shit yet
@Lady @wallhackio i could never
@wallhackio what the fuck is wrong with people
@wallhackio what the fuck is wrong with people
@Lady @wallhackio margo is a menace
it’s pronounced “ashling”. canonically a black housecat or any of the grass cat pokémon, but currently experiencing daily TFs. Commewnist. she/it
GlitchCat syscatmin and meowstodev; @ me about techincal problems with the instance, or fur feature requests. i got a job due to some extent to my work on this instance
i have very strong opinions about the sonic furanchise. pokémon has me in a chokehold when it comes to merchandise
available via email and matrix with the same username and domain. DM/message/email for other protocols
“all this shit is still incomprehensible but im glad u accomplished something” ―@wallhackio
“i feel mildly relieved that the obscure and esoteric code that i use to build the site will always be definitely outclassed by the obscure and esoteric code that you use to serve it” ―@Lady