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sometimes a kitten might get a little bit confused. this is normal for kittns

@Lady never did figure out my answer to this one, i don’t wanna either

Very fancy potato postcard from my collection, date unknown.

In the beginning the Cᴀᴛғʟᴀᴍᴇ created the biscuits and purrs. And its biscuits were without form, and it was a void, and darkness was upon the face of the kitty. And the Spirit of the Cᴀᴛғʟᴀᴍᴇ moved away upon facing the waters. And the Cᴀᴛғʟᴀᴍᴇ said, “let me be kitty”. And it was kitty. And the Cᴀᴛғʟᴀᴍᴇ saw that it was kitty, that it was a good kitty: and the Cᴀᴛғʟᴀᴍᴇ divided the light away from the darkness of its fur. And the Cᴀᴛғʟᴀᴍᴇ called the light Gay, and the darkness it called also Gay. And the evening and the murring were the first gay.

re: weed, sobriety, and disability 

@aescling the real weed catte was blaze all along

re: weed, sobriety, and disability 

@MindmeshLink getting blazed oh you mean playing sonic—

is sakamoto a pokémon mystery dungeon fakemon

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.