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@coriander i almost named it tribbons (tiny ribbons) and then realized i was accidentally being very crass

it’s still raining. how the fuck am i supposed to go on a long walk with my xxs sylveon :blobmeow_weary:


[verse 2: turning machine. it uses a british accent]
when it comes to the languages you inspired, their adoption has been quite weak
and their syntax is bizarre! seems like, greek to me!

alternatively just use a global size variable; we can abuse statefulness fur the funny

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class Monorail {
#size = 1;

constructor(value) {
this.#value = value;

bind(f) {
const newThis = f(this.#value);

if (newThis.#size < this.#size + 1) newThis.#size = this.#size + 1;
console.log(`the glaceon is now ${newThis.#size} meters tall`);
return newThis;
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the monorail monad. every time you bind it logs that the shiny glaceon has gotten a little big larger

@monorail you can build an interface around a list such that everything using that interface is purrfurming non-deterministic computations, BUT, if you do arbitrary shit to a list directly, you don’t have the guarantee that that abstraction will make any sense

@monorail yeah, not all use cases fur list make sense as a monad. this is actually why it's impurrtant imo to sepurrate the data type from a monad built around it

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.