baldur's gate 3 

when do i get to have sex

baldur's gate 3 

@wallhackio depends who you want to fuck

re: baldur's gate 3 

@Lady it's lookin like its gonna be shadowheart

re: baldur's gate 3 

@aescling @wallhackio @Lady Shadowheart is a massive cutie tbh

re: baldur's gate 3 

@coriander @aescling @Lady i have been learning that the goblin has refined taste

re: baldur's gate 3 

@wallhackio @aescling @Lady Karlach is my ultimate wife forever but that doesn't mean I dno't also love Shadowheart and Lae'zel

re: baldur's gate 3 

@coriander @aescling @Lady i also wanted to fuck the green lizard lady but i keep making her mad and she recently fucked the gay vampire just to spite me


re: baldur's gate 3 

@wallhackio @coriander @Lady imagine getting cucked by a day dude rip lmao

re: baldur's gate 3 

@aescling @coriander @Lady also she did it because she was mad that shadowheart liked me

re: baldur's gate 3 

@coriander @aescling @Lady the game turned into a harem anime after the first chapter. everybody was mad that i was trying to fuck shadowheart and got super petty it was hilarious

re: baldur's gate 3 

@wallhackio @aescling @Lady Yeah I love how the game seems like a normal cRPG and then you get the camp scene and everyone at once propositions you

re: baldur's gate 3 spoilers don't read this aescling 

@coriander @aescling @Lady also the scene where the guy with ugly hat ripped my eye out was the funniest thing i have ever seen in a videogame

re: baldur's gate 3 spoilers don't read this aescling 

@coriander @aescling @Lady i was gonna save scum it but then he brought out the ice pick and i HAD to see how far it would go

re: baldur's gate 3 spoilers don't read this aescling 

@wallhackio @aescling @Lady BG3 will let you fuck around, but it will then make you find out

re: baldur's gate 3 spoilers don't read this aescling 

@coriander @aescling @Lady i like how every single companion so far seems to have a secret that reveals they are a walking time bomb. except for the lizard woman. who just is one. out the gate

re: baldur's gate 3 spoilers don't read this aescling 

@wallhackio @aescling @Lady Yeah Lae'zel doesn't deal with false pretenses lmao

re: baldur's gate 3 spoilers don't read this aescling 

@coriander @aescling @Lady i unfortunately have her sitting in camp most of the time which is probably making me avoid a lot of funny dialogue

re: baldur's gate 3 spoilers don't read this aescling 

@wallhackio @aescling @Lady Definitely missing a lot of "Tch!"

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