@Lady I wouldn't have before, but now I'm curious.
@aschmitz i realized i couldn’t quite imagine what it’d taste like. it’s not… THAT different from a flavour syrup??
@Satsuma @Lady @aescling (As I understand it, this is also more or less the same reason Zofran isn't OTC: if you need it, the thinking goes that you should probably have a doctor figuring out what the heck is going on. Which on one hand, I get it, but on the other hand, when one wants Zofran, one doesn't want to be making emergency trips to the doctor and then pharmacy.)
@Lady @aschmitz but yeah fever tree’s standard tonic water tastes remarkably close to lemon-lime soda; i remember posting befur about being astounded that i would purrobably find lemon-lime soda coffee to taste delicious