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i love fall
@Satsuma looks really cute in autumn clothing
re: relationship Show more
@Lady @Satsuma
@aescling lately they have been in a sweater and sometimes their hair is down and i am just like and they look at me like “ur such a weirdo”
@Lady kibi that's fucking GAY, my heart
@aescling i am constantly uselessly gay in this apartment
@Lady i already had enough incentive to visit delaware but i would love to see this in purrson so like
@aescling i sent @Satsuma this image (mira ongchua) and they were like “babe you are both of these girls”
@Lady @Satsuma i actually just lol'd
A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.
re: relationship
@aescling i am constantly uselessly gay in this apartment