having finished this limited series, i can ask in good faith: how low are the Eisner Awards’ standards that they thought this comic deserved a nomination for best limited series lol

absolutely not a surprise that the movie adaptation of Superman: Red Son is not good

prefer the comic because the drawings are much more interesting (at times)

it is a pretty opinionated adaptation; it cuts out a (frankly quite bizarre) ending in a way that really significantly changes the story from a circular tragedy at the scale of humanity itself to a story where American-Democracy Good

@Lady shiro ogami from BNA has a similar backstory

batman’s colour is black

the comparison breaks down given that batman’s not a wolf god but

@aescling “Rumored to be a thousand murdered dissidents, they said he was a ghost.” well which fucking one is it, a thousand dissidents or one ghost

@aescling bold of this story to think a thousand dissidents can ever form a single coherent anything

@Lady @aescling generally in my experience when theres a lot of rumors about something some of those rumors will contradict eachother

@Satsuma @aescling yes but usually i do not place those contradictions in direct apposition within a single sentence, as though one flows directly from the other in a logical fashion

@Lady @aescling yeah a ‘some say x, some say y’ type phrasing would have made a clearer signal of ‘mysterious but frightening’

@Lady @aescling like the reader obviously knows the rumors arent correct bc we know who batman is, therefore the rumors are just supposed to be signaling the perception of batman as an unknown figure / force of nature

Except their phrasing did a bad job at that

@Lady to actually engage with it, there is heat a pretty textual message that men are fundamentally selfish and will abuse and exploit everyone in service of their goals if given the power to do so

@aescling i mean that’s at least a marxist story; that’s why the bourgeoisie can never be lasting allies of the proletariat

@Lady (for context, Braniac shrunk the entire city of Moscow and put it in a bottle, and Superman never figured out how to unshrink it)

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