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@yesterdaychild @pastelsinmysky yeah this is my thought as well—the MYG scans much more clearly when the rest of the beads are all a single color!

@daffodilian i would be interested and also happy to boost such a fundraiser!

@ryfulets honestly thats fair, my tired morning brain would not cope well either 😂

@rowyn very clever! I’m sure it will be put to good use

@rowyn umbral has upgraded their bathing setup i see

@purplecoww nice! I have a smaller but similar kit i keep in the front pocket of my backpack and its so nice to know its there to solve all the little emergencies that might come up

@unpretty she also had a more complicated but better suggestion than my “just treat it like any untranslated word markup wise” involving ARIA labels (which is generally how you are supposed to give instructions to accessibility aids) but I dont know enough about html to feel like i can reproduce it accurately 😅

@unpretty if you don’t mind the translation also being visible to everyone else i might consider using ruby ( ) but my girlfriend who knows things about accessible html also says that most screenreaders know the common kaomoji so it’s not something you necessarily have to solve yourself these days

health - urgent but probably no big deal - update 

@celli i’m glad the labs look good! i hope the rest of your stay was as comfortable as these things can be

@Lady please lets not turn the conlangs subconsciously sharing the same principles as english dial up to 11 like that

@pastelsinmysky @celli same 😔 just not enough time/energy to do all the things i want

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.