I don't know when exactly I became a "calls men 'brother'" person, but it is the kind of person I am now

Not "bro," never that, but I will call anyone I see "brother"


@coriander you can call women brother too if you're a goron

@Lady Everybody knows "brother" is gender-neutral to the Gorons

@Lady @coriander if my goblin comrrade called me “brother”, i would purrobably feel a confusing mixture of purride and mild dysphoria lol

@aescling @Lady I would not call you brother, I reserve it for mans

@coriander @aescling @Lady i'm staying to believe you are a kindred spirit of mine, goblin

@wallhackio @coriander @Lady michiganders with at least a little off-center relationships to their assigned masculinity–based solidarity

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