re: pokémon evolution; new avatar
@Lady you still faint to one flower trick
re: pokémon evolution; new avatar
@aescling unless i hold a focus sash and use counter
re: pokémon evolution; new avatar
@Lady sure but do you really want sash though
re: pokémon evolution; new avatar
@aescling cat i think surviving with 1HP+Counter+Accelrock is about my only hope for making it thru bad type matchups i don’t have Moves
re: pokémon evolution; new avatar
@Lady i have sucker punch lol
re: pokémon evolution; new avatar
@aescling those are both Priority +1 so i guess it comes down to IV/EV and Nature
re: pokémon evolution; new avatar
@Lady btw calling a lycanroc from "sexy" is
🫵 furry behavior
re: pokémon evolution; new avatar
@aescling i say sexy but in fact i’ve never seen a lycanroc porn i liked (i’ve never seen a lycanroc porn)
re: pokémon evolution; new avatar
@Lady most lycanroc porn distorts whatever form is being depicted to be softer and rounder and i don’t know if it annoys me more that (a) they ignore the viciousness of the mon that’s the entire point come the fuck on, or (b) that i like (some) of the results anyway,
re: pokémon evolution; new avatar
@aescling anyway the point was that you should send me dusk form lycanroc porn you like so i can tell you whether i think it is sexy or not
re: pokémon evolution; new avatar
@Lady the only roc porn i specifically remember liking is "just" suggestive (if even), is of a midnight form (boy), and very much softens all the edges of the design but now i'm gonna look Fur The Bit
re: pokémon evolution; new avatar
@aescling yeah see everyone is all about midnight form because reasons but i actually think it’s the least hot of the three
re: pokémon evolution; new avatar
@aescling this isn’t even a “i’m attracted to pokémon” take it’s just a “i can read lesbian signalling”
midnight form is all about the streets midday form is all about the sheets
re: pokémon evolution; new avatar
@Lady i have no idea what you mean by this
re: pokémon evolution; new avatar
@Lady lmao