new icon by @heyheymomoto match with @Satsuma
@Lady didn’t realize you were an orange dog
@aescling it's a lemon dog that's why it has bumps
but yes sats often calls me “puppy gf”
@Lady oh i know you’re the puppy gf i just thought i was seeing an orange
@Lady @aescling its a v orange lemon
@Satsuma @Lady orange u glad ur gf’s a lemon
@aescling @Satsuma sats disputes that i am a lemon lemon and thinks i am a meyer lemon instead
i am fine with this
@Lady @aescling cuz yr sweet
@Satsuma @Lady that's gay
@Lady @aescling mh yes
A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.
@Lady oh i know you’re the puppy gf i just thought i was seeing an orange