i pretend to know lots about terminals, call me a sudointellectual

@wallhackio well as long as you’re not pretending to be a tree.

@alyssa i unfortunately do not understand the joke here but i assume it was funny so i favorited anyway.


@wallhackio i just wanted to make a sudo- joke

@alyssa no i get it now. i was wondering if there is some ghastly trait about sudowoodo i am not aware of, leading you to tell me not to be one of them

@wallhackio @alyssa if you do not get the joke with the mo: “pseudo-woodo”. it is a rock type

@wallhackio i guess it has a tendency to stand in the bottlenecks in important paths and pretend to be a tree

but nah, it's just because the name has sudo in it.

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