
hmm, would a hedonistic wizard have a larger bathing chamber or a larger bedchamber? opinions welcome

@alyssa if u arent using magic to make the fanciest bathroom whats the point, honestly

@Satsuma @aschmitz turns out when actually making the proper map i accidentally shrunk that section of the dungeon level by 1 square vertically compared to my plans, thus leaving me with an even number of squares for bed and bath, so i just made them the same size.

@Satsuma @alyssa thought about posting this earlier but fuck it i will anyway: asexual detected


@alyssa @aescling shower sex is way easier and more fun when you have a really nice big shower to fuck in


@aescling @alyssa and using a jacuzzi to get off is a classic

@alyssa I think it depends on where they fall in the ace/non-ace spectrum? Lavish on both, but then it depends on how many people they'd want to cram into either one. (But I think of Futurama's Hedonism Bot, who is typically depicted lounging on a chaise, which is probably close enough to a bed.)

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