@wallhackio told yhou
@coriander this instance is biased, the data is skewed.
@wallhackio I'm not on that instance and I boosted it multiple times
@coriander fuck
@wallhackio @coriander the vote count is also a giveaway. we don’t have that many accounts here, not to mention users
@wallhackio @coriander facts don’t care about your jokers
@wallhackio @coriander spheal is that good
@aescling @coriander debatable
@wallhackio @aescling @coriander idk that i’d call a 85% victory “debatable”
@Satsuma @aescling @coriander it's a conspiracy it doesn't count
@wallhackio @Satsuma @coriander conspiracies are usually kept secret. who hides their love fur speal?
@aescling @Satsuma @coriander it's an open consipiracy
@coriander @wallhackio @aescling i guess thats one way of describing a collection of people sharing their honest opinions
@aescling @coriander they were siuch good jokers though 🥲