
bad takes from pokémon fans 

“using a move that a pokémon legitimately learns by levelling up is cheating because i don’t like its effect”

re: bad takes from pokémon fans 

m8 if u want to be playing chess then just go and play chess

re: bad takes from pokémon fans 

i’m thinking about writing a fanfic about gym leader whitney right now and i gotta say

would i want to play against a clefairy who knows metronome in a high stakes competitive battle? no, of course not

does whitney’s clefairy knowing metronome unlock a whole wealth of narrative potential? absolutely

re: bad takes from pokémon fans 

some pokémon moves are for interesting competitive play. some pokémon moves are for interesting storytelling. it’s wrong to want to limit the games to just one or the other, i·m·o

and in the context of a video game, where the stakes are very low, it’s nice to have moments where you snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat by hitting a 10 with magnitude

re: bad takes from pokémon fans 

@Lady can recommend ♟️

re: bad takes from pokémon fans 

@Lady which move this time lmao

re: bad takes from pokémon fans 

@monorail anything which boosts evasion, which like, i do understand why that would be restricted in some competitive scenes because it makes the meta less fun, but “some competitive circuits have banned this move because it leads to a less interesting meta” is v different imo than “using this move is literally cheating”

re: bad takes from pokémon fans 

@Lady yeah fair

it's cheating to say "hey let's play OU" and then use it but that's different from cheating at pokemon

bad takes from pokémon fans 

@Lady lmao wow

re: bad takes from pokémon fans 

@Lady have you been playing pokemon showdown or something

re: bad takes from pokémon fans 

@aescling no i just follow the pokémon hashtag

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