new blogpost: “Running a Wiki with a Server and Git”
mutuals: if you want editor access to my wiki, just send me your SSH public key lmao
re: new blogpost: “Running a Wiki with a Server and Git”
@aescling `which sh` on macOS is "/bin/sh" but on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS is "/usr/bin/sh"
Ubuntu does actually symlink "/bin/sh" (which is FHS) but running scripts through /usr/bin/env is generally considered good practice regardless as, in the worst case, it gives people just one command to have to symlink on their machines instead of all of them
re: new blogpost: “Running a Wiki with a Server and Git”
@Lady fur some reason i'm a #!/usr/bin/env
hater, i think i've only ever written that shebang, like, once
re: new blogpost: “Running a Wiki with a Server and Git”
not that anybody actually fully follows FHS but lmao, FHS is Supposed to disallow exactly that