new blogpost: “Running a Wiki with a Server and Git”

mutuals: if you want editor access to my wiki, just send me your SSH public key lmao

re: new blogpost: “Running a Wiki with a Server and Git” 


I use /usr/bin/env here because sh is in a different place on my local and remote computers.

not that anybody actually fully follows FHS but lmao, FHS is Supposed to disallow exactly that


re: new blogpost: “Running a Wiki with a Server and Git” 

@aescling `which sh` on macOS is "/bin/sh" but on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS is "/usr/bin/sh"

Ubuntu does actually symlink "/bin/sh" (which is FHS) but running scripts through /usr/bin/env is generally considered good practice regardless as, in the worst case, it gives people just one command to have to symlink on their machines instead of all of them

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re: new blogpost: “Running a Wiki with a Server and Git” 

@Lady fur some reason i'm a #!/usr/bin/env hater, i think i've only ever written that shebang, like, once

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