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therapist: the numbers aren't that scary, they can't hurt you

the numbers:

oh shit christopher walken is in this show? then it IS good

catwin boosted

It's insane that prestige television is consistently better shot than blockbuster movies these days

it seems i will never beat the horrible taste in pokemon allegations

therapist: anime girl versions of sonic riders characters aren't real, they can't hurt you

anime girl versions of sonic riders characters:

so far, biggest twist in severance is that it was directed by ben stiller

which is better?

imagine taking 13 hours to score 1101 points in bongo lmao

i am a fake michigander, i played a crossword whose clue was "mneumonic for remembering the great lakes" and i didn't know what it was

imagine only scoring 1087 points in bongo lol

catwin boosted
catwin boosted

a post for aescling only you wouldn't get it 

"is that the guy from asshole"

Can we all pick a random pornographic AO3 story to start writing academic analysis about? Let's see if we can change history

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The book is fun to read, I admit, albeit too rambly for my tastes.

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I'm trying to understand why the story has become so iconic because the book was a commercial failure in its time and was critically divisive. It seems that literary scholars around 1930 reinvigorated interest in the book but why were they so interested in Melville specifically? Why did Stanley Thomas Williams supervise 12 dissertations on Melville? Is the specific taste of a single influential dude from the 1930's singlehandedly responsible for turning the book into the "great American novel"? Who gets to have their work remembered?

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I started reading moby dick and bro the narrator is the rambliest motherfucker of all time

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.