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There is a 100% guarantee that, if I create a new github repo, I will forget to create an initial commit, and I will spend up to 30 minutes confused as to why I can't push my local files.

It is the law.

re: CUTE 

She looks annoyed because I'm doing C++ work (she prefers Python)

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if I remembered the le bonne humour emoji I would have posted fifty

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this embarrassing defeat i experienced in fantasy football on monday can't take away from the fact that


It has been democratically decided that Freya is 50% baby, 50% stinky, 50% big, 50% long, and 100% hungry


Definitely wasn't me haha 

Imagine having a carport and forgetting to use it, haha. Especially on a day like today where it snowed a lot haha. Like, imagine that lol

I hand-coded a deep copy algorithm in JavaScript! It doesn't ever blow up the call stack and it copies property descriptors!

Everyone look at

and tell me how cool I am!!!!!!!!!

According to Spotify Wrapped, the city whose music taste is most similar to mine is Madison, Wisconsin

I'm not sure what this means

The worst thing about good videogame essayists is that I often want to play the games they cover so I can't watch their videos

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.