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However, on a deeper look, he says it looks less like a whale

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Important update on the recent clodsire discourse. My little brother has officially stated that clodsire, at first glance, looks like a whale

baby salamanders are not real there are only whales

yeah samurai champloo might be insanely misogynistic, but have your heard that ED though????

The only thing my mom told me that has remained true as I became an adult is that Jerry Seinfeld is not a good actor

all caps 


I love Cowboy Bebop with all of my heart but I do think you can criticize it for making smoking look like the most badass thing of all time

i can't get over how funny the vine booms are in Parkour Civilization

I had a political discussion with my parents and almost immediately realized why I don't like doing that

Who would win?

Why did Beyonce feature Post Malone on her country album? Do better.

Scientists to this day are still trying to understand what constitutes a catch in the NFL.

I didn't realize that Mrs. Philosophy Tube was a pretty good actress

anyone with Nintendo Switch Online wanna play some Mario Party

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.